Friday, October 17, 2008

progress update

hello papa,

mama is quite busy lately... esp kat office.. boss assigned mama untuk buat environmental video for the plant besides my regular work.... and the dateline is very close... mama got no time to waste to meet dato' s dateline.. so, we made a small team and mama lead the team with the help of profesionals...

as for amirah, she showed lots of improvement lately... she had started to stand up independently without holding to sth... using the support of both legs, she would slowly lifted her body up.. pas tuh dah successfully berdiri, tersengih sengih pulak sebab managed to stand up... today, she even tried to take a few steps forward before terduduk balik... nasib baik ada diaper jadi span...

other than that, whenever mama said, "kiss mama", she would come closely to mama's face and kissed mama.... she opened her mouth a bit and kissed mama's cheek and made a sound "muahhh". so sweet la ....

besides that, she also had learnt to salam and cium tangan... so adorable... bila kita hulur tangan, amirah akan salam and tarik tangan kita untuk cium tangan... i think she developed this skill during time raya tuh.. watching people salam and cium tangan... and then, dapat duit raya.... hehehe.... the funny thing was, everytime pak ngah dia hulur tangan, amirah would salam and cium tangan pak ngah.... so many time... ni mesti amirah expect dia dapat duit raya bila salam pak ngah ni... tuh yang asyik salam and cium tangan pak ngah aje berkali kali selagi tak dapat duit raya... hehehe

mama tak ingat whether dah cerita blom about new teeth amirah kat bawah... ini menjadikan total tooth amirah is 7 all together; 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top..

one more thing... if you could remember, there are 2 framed photos dekat atas cabinet kat bawah; one is gambar family ambik time raya, and the other one gambar both of us waktu wedding kat kajang... biler dukung amirah and bawak dia dekat gambar tuh and asked her, mana satu papa? she will point towards your picture.... so clever one... both pictures, she can identify papa dier.... hehe

ingat tak maktok selalu main main ngan amirah --> saper nama amirah, angkat tangan!..... dulu dia tak angkat kan... kalau sekarang kita cakap, saper nama amirah, angkat tangan!... cepat cepat amirah akan angkat tangan dia..... excited btol angkat tangan.... suka tgok dia punyer response...

kalau biler dapat phone pulak, dia akan tekapkan phone tuh kat telinga dia, macam tgh cakap phone... tak pon biler kita cakap "hello, hello" cepat cepat laa dia capai apa apa yang boleh and letak kat telinga to say hello back..

kalau dapat remote tv atau remote apa aje, she will quickly point out to tv as if nak tukar channer tv tuh...

her favorite's cartoons sekarang are little eistein, thomas and friend, mickey mouse and friend, handy manny, and a few more... mostly kat channel disney playhouse... that channel is very useful laa for mental development especially for babies... i dont like astro ceria yang ada citer adi dan ayah, hikayat putera shazlan, etc.. rasa macam not really good or educational for kids and compared to disney playhouse....i dont want to introduce astro ceria to amirah..strictly prohibited since mama byk tgok young children are addicted to these types of show and asyik nak tgok aje citer tu sampai orang lain tak boleh ubah channel...

don't worry papa. even though it seems like amirah byk sgt progress nyer, i'm sure she will learn much more when we go and visit you in italy nanti... so that, papa takde laa miss byk sgt kay.... nanti papa boleh laa tgok amirah lari lari happily kat sana nanti, just like your dream kay? .. ok papa.... we miss u so much.... muahh muahh muahhh.... love u and happy study!

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