Tuesday, October 14, 2008

amirah development progress

hello papa,

as of today, amirah menjadi semakin aktif... aktif meniti niti dari one place to another sambil berpaut ke mana mana tempat yang dia boleh capai... bila berdiri, dah start lepas lepas tangan.... other than that, dia dah tahu camner nak turun dari katil guna kaki dulu instead of pakai terjun aje.... biler dah dapat turun katil dengan berjayanyer, dia nak belajar panjat katil laa pulak.... kalau benda benda yang rendah dia dah boleh panjat camtuh aje, pas tuh berdiri atas barang yang dia panjat tuh.... katil kat atas susah laa sket nak turun sebab too high compared to katil ct ngan cd...

semalam time mama nak pergi kerja, dia dah bangun... time mama nak bertolak, kak mini dukung dia sambil babai mama... dia nampak aje mama start kereta, dia nangis nak ikut... babai pon tak nak... kesian sangat tgok dia nangis... then, mama pon bawak laa amirah for a short ride... then, passed her back to kak mini before mama bertolak ke office... after dah took the ride tu, dia pon dah okay and tak nangis lagi... tgok kereta mama kuar, dia pon babai dengan muka yang sedih... macam kena paksa babai aje... ikutkan hati, nak aje mama ponteng kerja semalam....

hari ni, mama pergi kerja last lagi..... walaupun amirah insisted to follow mama, mama kena be strict and tak bawak dia for a ride like the day before so that it wont become her routine everyday. mama doesn't want amirah to think that mama need to take her for a ride everyday before going to work... walaupun dia buat muka sedih or nangis,, terpaksa laa mama tahan dan kuatkan hati.... weekend boleh laa kita naik keta gi jalan jalan.... tapi weekdays mama kena kerja laa sayang.... mama knows amirah will understand that one day...

words yang amirah semakin fluent:
mama n papa --> these words dah lama dah boleh sebut,
baa ba --> baa baa black sheep,
tunin --> dah boleh sket sket
and other few words yang mama cannot recall

tadi before amirah tido, she was so energetic and tried to get off the bed and wanted to play near the tv and the home theater... mama terpaksa distracted her by taking out some of the flash cards which i bought long time ago for her... sambil dia sebuk menyusun the flash cards, mama pon pronounced the picture inside the card.... what i actually did was that i took out about 15 of the flash cards and put randomly infront of amirah... amirah automotically then picked up the card one by one and gave to mama to nicely compile all the cards.... each time amirah handed to mama the card, mama would tell her what picture was on the card.... everytime mama described the picture, eg: cat, baby, book, etc amirah would said sth loudly as if she was trying to repeat whatever mama was saying before in her own way... even though it sounded differentlym baby talking, mama knew that she tried to repeat whatever mama was saying... and mama was so happy that she responded positively... after semua card dah kasi mama and mama dah compiled nicely, amirah would take the cards back and sepahkan balik infront of her... then, she would repeat the same thing by handed to mama the card one by one and mama would repeatly said the words again.... sampailaa dia ngantuk... of course it will take sometime for her to catch up and pronounce the words clearly... whatever it is, mama is so proud of you, amirah....

okay papa, thats all for today... mama will update again tomorrow... good night papa... we miss and love u!


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