Thursday, October 9, 2008

night activity with mama

hello papa,

mama had promised to tell papa on amirah's activity inside the room during the weeknights. before mama let amirah played on the floor, mama will baby proof the room, put down the play mat, rubber mat, block the pathway to the power cables, tv, minibar, etc. then, amirah will meniti sana sini while holding to the bed frame of whatever that she can hold to support her from falling. satu bilik dia pusing... mama will keep her eye on amirah and play together with her..

amirah also enjoy to watch Little Einsteins at channel 613 (Disney Playhouse) everyday at 9.30 pm. she will watch the whole 30 mins shows and siap boleh gelak sorang sorang lagi... kelakar mama tgok dia... last 2 nights, amirah ngan mama layan movie kat HBO, citer Dragonfly starring by Kevin Costner. Mama was impressed that she could concentrate to the movie sampai habis.. sambil tgok movie tu, mama pon jadi laa narrator kat amirah, explain kat amirah... dia mmg menghayati citer tuh.... the ending of the movie was a happy ending, yet a bit depressing to us, especially to amirah and mama..

"Dr. Joe Darrow (Kevin Costner) was a recently widowed doctor. He grieved due to the death of his pregnant wife in a Red Cross mission in Venezuela. Although being atheist, he began to believe that his dead wife wanted to communicate with him, through her young patients in the Pediatrics of a Chicago hospital. At the end, he travelled to Venezuela to find out more about her death and actually found out that his wife left him a daughter in Venezuela, who was taken care by a tribe over there" - Dragonfly, 2002.

part yang paling happy and sedih biler kevin costner saw her baby girl and dia dukung and sayang baby tuh.... mama tgok reaction amirah... time amirah nampak baby tuh, dia happy sangat... amirah looked very excited to see the baby... biler kevin costner dukung and tatang baby tuh dengan penuh kasih sayang, mama rasa, she started to miss her papa... amirah macam merenung jauh aje.... dah laa rambut kevin costner tuh macam ala ala papa sket.... mama terus peluk amirah sambil explain kat amirah.. papa kat italy for 6 months and we will go and see papa in about 2 months ++ time.... she looked understand and accepted what mama said to her...

sedih tgok amirah camtuh... but mama feels that amirah is a very strong girl...


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