Friday, October 10, 2008

First week at GE Nuovo Pignone

My Dear Amirah and Sayang,

The first week of classes ended at 5pm (Italian time). It was quite tiring but a lot of new information and experience.

On Monday, Papa learned a new way of communication. There are many types of people. Each categories have different criteria and ways to influence. The instructor was William Miller and he made sure that everybody in the class participated.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the topic of discussion were Basic Finance. Now Papa has stronger argument to control Mama's cash out during shopping... hehe... just joking sayang... jangan marah, nanti kena jual. The class was good because the trainer (Flavio Gabbosi) related the basic of finance with the real life analogies.

Yesterday and today were the most tiring and Papa would rate it as challenging as there were a lot of information to be absorbed. The topic was Energy Economic. Although it was challenging, now Papa has an overview on the energy situaion around the world. The instructor (Mike Howard) showed a very interesting video on the colossal structure that men have ever moved from one point to the other in the Northen Sea of Norway. It was called Troll the Skyscraper at Sea.

For your information, Alejandro, one of Papa's classmates brought along his family. Papa met with his wife his 4 year old son and 1 year old baby daughter. They are one happy family and fun people to be with too. Papa told them that both of you will join Papa in January and I will introduce them to you so that both of you can have activities together while both Papa and Alejandro in class. Amirah will have friends from Venezuala!!

Papa miss both of you so much. Looking forward to having both of you here soon.

riscrivere prossimo l'ora!

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