Saturday, August 9, 2008


Amirah sangat suka tgok tv sekarang.... kartun tuh tak payah cerita laa... papa went home a bit late on Friday.. mama really wanted to watch the opening ceremony of olympic... so, mama quickly took amirah upstairs and switch to olympic channel 816. Amirah played on the bed next to mama while mama was watching the opening ceremony. without mama realizing it, amirah actually watched the opening ceremony together with mama... she was so fascinated with the opening ceremony especially on the part when a small girl wearing a red dress singing a song and a part when the national athem of China was played where the children raised their hands up. She really enjoyed watching the ceremony that she also raised her hand up imitating the children when the national anthem of China was played. what a brilliant daughter laa Amirah ni... mama and papa are so proud of you, dear

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